The best Criminal Defense Attorney in town!



Oakland Criminal Attorney Areas of Practice

Oakland criminal attorney

We provide representation in all criminal matters out of the Alameda Courts, Oakland Courts, and surrounding counties. We have been doing this successfully for the past 24 years. This includes representation in every type of case including all felonies and misdemeanors in both state court and federal courts. We take a limited number of cases so that we can focus on getting the best results for all of our clients. We understand and appreciate the trust that clients place in us at a time when it feels like the sky is falling. We take this trust seriously and do everything possible to be with them every step of the way as we navigate the case and the Court. We have 20+ years of experience behind us. We are loyal and effective! Also, feel free to visit our main website Oakland Criminal Attorney. Or, visit our Marin Criminal Attorney page.

Oakland DUI attorney

Listen, Oakland DUI Attorney Francisco Rodriguez knows how to handle a DUI case successfully from DMV to what ultimately happens in Court. There is simply no one that can do it better. Put 24 years of Oakland DUI experience on your side and call today. Visit our Oakland DUI Attorney page.

consultations on legal matters

Our office also provides legal consultations on a variety of areas. Often times clients have minor issues occuring in their lives that need legal attention. Many times they are simply looking for guidance on how to navigate the matter and are looking for minor support or just to be pointed in the right direction. Call us we can help. We have been

Oakland theft charges

If you have been charged with an Oakland Theft charge, we need to talk. From Petty Theft to embezzlement or any other type of theft including burglaries, these are all charges that carry severe consequences and often time jail. Call us now to discuss…

Oakland Domestic Violence Attorney

Oakland domestic violence criminal cases are tough. They are hard on both the clients and the victims. They are full of emotion and loss of control. Many allegations are real while some have a purpose and are false. An investigation is a key to success in these cases.

Oakland assault and battery attorney

Oakland Criminal Attorney Francisco Rodriguez has been successfully defending assault and battery cases in the Alameda County Superior Court. These cases are technical and must be presented very carefully for jurors to understand why someone who is arrested and brought to court could be innocent of the charge. If you have been arrested in Oakland for assault or battery, we can help.

Oakland and Alameda county appeals and writs attorney

Our office has been handling Oakland and Alameda County appeals of criminal cases in both misdemeanors and felonies for 24 years. We also handle Oakland and Alameda County infraction appeals, small claims appeals, and civil appeals. We have gone from Appellate Division to the California Supreme Court to and to the 9th circuit. Whatever the case and client needs are where we go. Remember, anyone can appeal, but that should not be the focus. The question is what does it take to have a winning appeal. We know the Oakland Superior Court Appellate Division, the Court of Appeals, and all higher Courts well.

We also provide extensive Writ representation in all cases and licensing issues. Call us for an appointment.


Our office is often called upon by various organizations to speak to their audiences on various topics. Some of these topics have included: What it’s like to be a Criminal Attorney, how the criminal system functions, trial work, DUI trial work and many other topics. We have spoken to students, professionals, Attorneys and government organizations. Our office is often called by the news to give opinions on daily stories that involve legal issues.

If you are looking for someone to address your audience on many available topics, call us to discuss.

restraining order defense or petition

We have provided Oakland restraining order representation for both Petitioner and Respondent. From domestic violence restraining orders to civil harassment orders, we can help. There are times when a person may need protection from a person that is a threat to them. We can help! There are times when a person may use the process of a restraining order as a tool against the person without having the proper basis to get one. We can help! These orders can have severe consequences on individuals in their daily lives and can empower someone over the other. Call for a consultation on any order that you are facing.

trial representation for clients and attorneys

Our office is often referred or hired by other firms to represent their clients in case where a trial is needed. Clients in both civil and criminal cases also extensively use our office to assist then in their cases in the trial phase. We have an unsurpassed level of trial experience that is a must if you want to succeed. We will put our trial record and accomplishments up against anyone else’s and believe no firm or Attorney can match it. Put 20 years of heavy trial experience in your corner, when you need it most.


We love kids! If a kid is in trouble, we want to help. Help with school hearings, criminal allegations, or dealing with school rights. We can help and believe kids are our future and we must do everything to nurture them and steer them in the right direction. If your child has been charged with an Oakland Juvenile case, Oakland Juvenile Attorney Francisco Rodriguez can help.

Oakland Traffic Ticket cases

We also represent people in all Oakland Traffic Tickets. From Oakland Speeding charges to Red light camera violations to reckless driving and driving over 100 miles an hour. Visit our Oakland Traffic Attorney page.